Meet The Team

We are proud of the high ratio of adults to children in our setting - this ensures individual attention to the needs and development of each child.
Meet The Team
The regular staff at Pre-School are:
Claire Savva Manager Level 4 Diploma in Early Years, Designated Safeguarding Lead/Acting SENDCo
Cheryl Hulbert Play Assistant/ DDSL NNEB, NVQ 3, Childcare and Education, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Emma Lockyer Play Assistant NVQ 3 Children's Care, Learning and Development
Debbie Western Play Assistant Level 3 Diploma in Early Learning and Childcare
Pauline Harbert Play Assistant
All staff hold a Paediatric First Aid Qualification.
To ensure we provide the best care possible for your child and to keep up to date with the latest information, staff regularly undertake training covering a wide range of subjects. The training includes topics such as; the curriculum, safeguarding, including child protection, behaviour management, inclusion, communication, speech and language, allergy awareness, administering medicines. A full list of training courses undertaken is held at Pre-School.
Key person
Our key person system gives each member of staff particular responsibility for just a few children. Each child in the setting has one special adult assigned to support them through their learning and development, which makes settling into Pre-school very much easier.